Forest Management Certification

Meet the world’s most rigorous standards for sustainable forestry.

If a forest owner or manager has a FSC Forest Management Certificate, it means that the forest is managed according to FSC standards, which is confirmed through independent audits. FSC Forest Management Certification provides assurance that an FSC-certified forest can continue to support the people, plants, and animals that depend on it. 

dry leaves hanginf from a tree

What FSC certification means for forests

FSC forest management certification means committing to 10 principles to ensure your forest is managed in a way that’s:

  • economically viable
  • environmentally friendly
  • socially beneficial.

You also agree to follow FSC’s Policy for Association. This policy states any organization within your corporate group must refrain from unacceptable forestry practices that include illegal logging and human rights violations.

short water fall in forest

What can forest management certification do for you?

When you obtain your forest management certification through the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC), you’re showing that your operations meet the world’s highest environmental, economic, and social standards. 

  • Make a real difference

    You’ll follow responsible forestry practices proven to help fight climate change and protect biodiversity.

  • Protect and strengthen your reputation

    You’ll receive independent verification of your commitment to responsible forestry practices

  • Benefit from a global mark of trust

    The FSC label is one of the world’s most trusted marks for sustainable forestry. It signals your commitment to sustainable forest management.

  • Gain market access

    You’ll have the opportunity to secure and expand your access to attractive markets and benefit from the growing global demand for sustainably sourced wood.

Forest management certification roadmap

To initiate the certification process, the general process includes the following steps:


Choose an FSC-accredited certification body

Only third-party, accredited certification bodies can conduct audits and certify your organization. You will select an independent body to work with. 


Submit an application

Your application will detail the steps your organization is taking to meet the FSC-certification requirements outlined by your chosen certification body. 


Complete an assessment

Your certification body will conduct an assessment to verify you are following all appropriate standards and policies. 


Complete FSC Check

Submit the information FSC requests you to provide by filling up the questionnaire in FSC Check before signing the Trademark License Agreement to become a certificate holder.


Receive approval

Once you receive certification approval, you can begin producing and selling FSC-certified materials and products. 


Complete an annual audit

Your certification body will conduct annual audits to assess conformance to your forest management certification. 

Choose the right FSC certification or licence

fsc marked tree


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fsc marked bottles

Retailers and brands

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